We’re staring at a corpse that’s been shot 15 times – the victim of a clunky and frustrating process that was supposed to straight forward. Soon the flood of emotions race in as we step through the who, what, where, when, and why. The question that rings loudest, “and how the hell did I end up here?”
Dark metaphors aside, U.S. healthcare is complicated and the finance behind it equally so. Premiums, co-pays, deductibles, bill negotiation, enrollment periods, etc. etc. etc. They all make up the rules to a fixed and rigged game. No different than the casino with its energized lighting and pumped-in oxygen, the medical house always wins while you’re expected to say “thank you” when left holding the bill in your bruised, bandaged hands.
Good intentions don’t play here, but instead thrown head first into the jaws of a system that is overly complicated and designed to confuse. Your best attempts to make informed decisions are countered by a dizzying array of industry jargon and all caps acronyms.
But there’s hope. And for a few minutes of your time I can show it to you.
Your Medical Finance (YMF… yes I recognize the irony of adding another acronym. But this one’s positive, I promise!) tilts those odds back in your favor.
You have influence and control here, too.
And that’s why we’re here. The resources throughout YMF add confidence and intelligent decision making into managing your healthcare costsyou